First steps

First things first for a phone driven game the phone is an improtant part of gameplay, so time was spent on making it look & feel more or less fine. I am not sure if it's me or Unity HD Rendering Pipeline, but considering phone is sitting on a separate Camera which renderes it on top of Main Camera with a higher depth there were some issues with making PostProcessing work and I was forced to put PostProcessing component to the phone Camera. As result I had a lot of fun time with Depth of Field effect to avoid UI from being blurred hardly.

The environment — you can't just create a game level unless you're real level designer (which I am not), so for now I am modeling boxes.. a lot of boxes and then more boxes with a little bit hammers and canned soups. For now our guy is handing around in a place which looks very similar to a storage hangar. There is a cleaning room and main area with storage racks and, for sure, some corridors. All of this going to be removed for sure.

Btw, messaging on the phone is powered via , it's a super nice fit though still need some refinements to make it work as I want it. To be true, I don't know the story yet, what's going to happen with protagonist, how much he will suffer and what kind of challenges he'll face - it's an untimate mystery yet. 

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Version 3 Jul 12, 2018

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